Favourite Part Of Blogging //FPOB Collab

Imagine yourself standing in a roomful of screaming music. 

Imagine yourself stranded on an island. 

Imagine yourself setting fire with the mere touch of your hand. 

Okay, I know it gets wilder and wilder by the second, but I feel as though that’s the way it is with imagination. But in case you don’t want metaphors and similes, I’ll say it outright:

Did you ever had this one moment, or millions of them, where you had your head filled with all sorts of thoughts, ideas and talks and they felt so loud in there that you could almost see them spilling out in one incoherent bundle of opinions?

Have you ever felt isolated or alone or even as though you had a bubble of your own and you only managed to float around people with it, but never really mingle?

Or have you ever been so passionate about this one thing, be it books, makeup, fashion, words, TV, or anything in between, to the point that you felt as though your passion alone could spark up and ignite worlds once unleashed?

Whether it’s the first, second, third or any other reason, we need an escape. And by that, I don’t strictly mean a way out; I mean a temporary distraction from reality and routine— somewhere to vent out all of this pent up energy. And to me, this blog right here is my haven.

In one epic Collab, 17 bloggers came together to answer one question we all ultimately ask ourselves at one point or the other. What is your favourite part about blogging?

Many would say the community; others would say the vibe; some would say the liberation. Me? I say it’s all that and more in one. It’s this unity that comes with being a blogger and reading blogs in general; it’s seeing that the world is truly round, because we are all from all over the globe and yet meet as though we’ve come a full circle already.

In here, it doesn’t matter whether you’re short, tall, fat, thin, black, white, man or woman. What matters is you’re a human with thoughts, emotions, hobbies and things to say and share and that there’ll always be someone to hear what you have in mind and maybe even agree with you. What matters is that you’re never alone and never will be. And that— that’s my favourite thing about blogging and it’s people.

Therefore, I’d like to thank all of my blogging friends, readers, and viewers—all those who have stopped by at least once and taken a glance at this little nook of mine in the blogosphere and made me feel like I belong.

I’d also like to thank these wonderful fellow bloggers who have come together in this Collab and give them a shoutout because each and every one of them has great content and a very real post on our favourite thing about blogging, one that definitely deserves a read:


Shania @ Life As Shania

Mahriya/Train Of Thought @ My Bookish Life

Vivian @ Writing With Style

Evelynn @ Evelynn & Nathalia’s DIY Corner

Joce @ Write Through The Night

Elm @ Just Call Me Elm Or Something

Amethyst @ My Life As Amethyst Extrovert 

Flawed_Silence @ Flawed Silence 

Closet Readers @ Closet Readers

The Stylish Dreamer @ The Stylish Dreamer

Emma @ Book Emma 

My Crazy Obsession with books @ My Crazy Obsession With Books & English 16 

FarahEdz @ The Girl With Coffe 

Lucia R @ Hangout With Lucia 

Pixey @ My xStar Blog

Brookie aka Ellyn Kim @ Brookie Soars 

No one said anything about this bit but.. I want to hear what you love about blogging; so consider this a tag and do it! Tell me about it in the comments or write up a post and let me know because (that’s a secret here) the comments I receive and the talks I have with you people are what makes blogging definitely definitely the best thing on earth~


Midnight Ranter (aka Ayaka)

12 thoughts on “Favourite Part Of Blogging //FPOB Collab

  1. this is such a great post, very true ^_^ blogging became a sort of safe place to both give and receive support for me and i definitely agree with what you said about how it’s like a community with different people literally from all over the world. it’s awesome 🙂


  2. I totally agree with this!! I love how unique this post is, and it totally hits home with me. I’ve met so many people from all over the world and that’s priceless. Great post!!


    • Thank you! I’m so glad that you agree! And knowing people literally thousands of kilometres away from you and yet feeling as close to them as though they were right in front you is fascinating and great and overwhelming and bah! It’s just.. just a really epic feeling~

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  3. Pingback: Celebrating The Little Things Tag | Midnight Ranter

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